Privacy policy

Collection and use of personal data

The Open Space website only collects or records personal information you choose to provide through our Contact us section, subscription to various eNewsletters, initiatives or program updates. As part of our commitment to customer service, we may periodically invite you to provide feedback about your experience via a survey. Any survey is voluntary and you do not have to participate.

Open Space staff use personal information collected from social media sites, email and survey sources to respond to individuals and discuss their particular enquiries. Feedback and survey results may also be shared with our contractors and teachers in order to serve our clients’ needs better and to promote events and activities that we believe our community will find interest in. We will never sell your personal information and conform to all Federal and State privacy laws in the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of Victoria.Disclosure of personal information
Open Space will take all necessary measures to prevent unauthorised access to, or disclosure of, your personal information. We will never sell your personal information. By using our site and joining mailing lists, you consent to receiving communications from us. If you wish to opt out at any time we will remove you from mailing lists on request.

We will also ensure that your personal information is not disclosed to other individuals, institutions and authorities outside of Open Space except if required or authorised by law or explicitly permitted by you. For any additional information on this policy please email us at